Monday, 11 April 2011

Greymouth to Lake Mahinapua

We took a walk and tiki tour of Greymouth, but it was full of lawyers as it was the opening day of the Pike River enquiry.
The road on to Hokitika gave us a combined road rail bridge in a different form and there can't be too many of these left.
We set up camp at Lake Mahinapua about 16 km south of  Hokitika, this was a camp operated by DOC and was peaceful in an idyllic bush setting. The entrance was along a narrow bush archway we just managed to sqeeze through opening out into a lovely grassed area surrounded by bush down to the lake shore

The weka's, which we have seen plenty of on the West Coast, were particularily cheeky. There was a family of Mum , Dad and 4 youngsters. They are so fearless and the Mum even got up the first 2 steps of the van to come inside before Shona spotted her and told her it was bad enough with leaves and dry grass coming in the van without weka poo being added to it. The weka was most offended, and went of grunting to her babies, as they do.

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